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Nico Basson
Nico Basson


CrossFit Level 1


"Age is not important, unless you’re a cheese."


Nico was transitioning from rugby and squash to trail running and boxing when his best friend was boasting about her new found love of CrossFit. Being the ever competitive person he is, he wanted to show CrossFit a thing or two about fitness. Though he found himself crawling out of the box after one workout, Nico was back the same week ... and the rest is history!


Fast forward 8 years later, Nico has since participated in a number of competitions, and has coached in South Africa, the Netherlands and now Singapore. 


Now, CrossFit means everything to Nico. Freedom, Friends, fun and health... Just by entering the box, you can go from feeling terrible about your day to feeling recharged when you leave! It changes lives, teaches discipline and patience, and these are great skill sets to operate in life.


Goals: compete in the same field one day alongside Dan Bailey or Sam Dancer. To be an inspiration to all when I am still doing this at the age of 80.

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